What is autobase?, how to use this autobase and function?This is a concise explanation of autobase uses for the who do not understand.The auto base account it allows anonymous messaging.
this account can be a medium for Twitter users to channel the same likes in a community and a medium for discussing and sharing opinions.
Autobase is a forum (usually a X Twitter account) for followers to send submissions via Telegram/web. The way autobase works is that followers will send submissions via Telegram/web to the account and then it will be automatically uploaded to the public by X (twitter) anonymously.This account is intended for MileApo Stand, and can be used to share
opinions with each other. how to use an auto base as a medium for sharing opinions through the menfess sent, as well as through comments related to an issue that is being discussed about mile and apo.
At this base although each message will be sent anonymously, Senders are required to follow the menfess delivery rules we have provided.If there a breach or post that sparked uproar, we will not hesitate to do the blockage in the account and will give other sanction.Everyone has the right to file a complaint against the admin base if you see any violations. autobase is not a person's post so please don't report or judge this base without discussing with the admin base on bio account.


Mohon dibaca dan dipahami sampai akhir kemudian di terapkan ya.Please read and understand until the end of the day.βœ… DO :1. Membahas Apapun tentang MileApo (Project / Event)
Discuss anything about mileapo (project / event)
2. Dibolehkan Nge-badut apapun tentang MileApo tapi tidak berbau mistis seperti dari ramalan dll.
It is allowed to say anything about mileapo but does not smell mysterious as from predictions etc.
3. Share postingan tentang MileApo dari ig storynya / sosial media lainnya.
Share the posts about the mileapo of they ig story / other social media.
4. Ngobrolin tentang teman, rekan kerja, keluarga MileApo (asal masih dalam konteks Mile/Apo dan bukan lawan main lain yang ada love interest seperti pasangan mv dll. kalo mau support MA nya aja boleh)
Talking about friends., co-worker, mileapo family (in origin in the context of mile / apo and not any other playmate who has love interest like mv pairs etc. If you want to just support MILEAPO you can do it. ~
5. Share AU/Fanfiction MileApo.
You may share au mileapo fanfiction.
6. Share apapun yg πŸ”ž pake TW ya! dan hanya boleh start jam 19.00 - 05.00 wib.
Any share that contains 18+ must use a sign of πŸ”ž ! and only allowed start from 19.00 - 05.00 wib.
7. Cari mutual sesama MA stan, asal ga pake Kata RT/JFB.
*You can find mutual fellow ma stan, but not use word please rt *
❌ DON'T :1. Mengirim menfess yang membahas couple lain/ OOT.
Send a menfess and discusses about other couples.
2. Mengirimkan menfess yang dapat menimbulkan war antar fandom.
Send menfess that can trigger a war between fandoms.
3. Solo stan (segala bentuk obrolan yg mengarah ke solo stan behavior dll)
Being a solo stand (all forms of chatter leading to solo stan behavior etc) ~
4. Toxic.
Being Toxic fans
5. Membahas privasi MileApo.
Talk about privacy mileapo
6. Missgendering / Genderswitch
Sending menfess in the form of missgendering / genderswitch like apo / mile as woman etc. ~
7. Dilarang bawa masalah pribadi ke base.
dont bring your problem to base
8. Mengirimkan opini pribadi yg bersifat menggiring opini yang dapat menjatuhkan dan menyudutkan siapapun.
Sending out private opinions that lead to opinions that can bring down and corner anyone.
9. Mengirimkan berita hoax.
Send Hoax News
10. Dilarang send menfess berisi fanart tanpa watermark/cr dan ijin pemilik.
Forbidden to send menfess fanart without watermark / cr and without the owner permission.
11. Dilarang send menfess / repost fancam dari milik orang lain tanpa watermark/cr.
Forbidden to send menfess / repost fancam of belonging to another without watermark / cr.
12. Dilarang Mengirimkan video / foto atau gambar yang terlalu vulgar 18+ kaya di kp eps 4 (kalo au atau fanfiction gapapa)
No sending too vulgar video / photo or image 18 + like kp eps 4 (if au or fanfiction its okay )
13. Dilarang mengirim menfess konten yang berhubungan sama love interest nya M/A di projek mereka selanjutnya (Kalau tentang keluarga/teman BOLEH).
*dont send menfess content relating equally love interest him M/A in their next project.
14. Menghype Selca Day, kecuali admin berikan lapak untuk menghype.
Hype Selca Day, unless admin gives a fist to hype. ~
15. Dilarang menjelekan oknum tertentu , dengan menyebutkan nama.
Don't insult certain people., by saying the name
16. Dilarang membahas AU diluar MILEAPO.
Dont discuss au outside of mileapo topic.
17. Dilarang salty menfess/sendernya mending lapor biar langsung di take down.
Don’t let the salty menfess, Please just tell admin for take down.
18. Membandingkan prestasi dan project masing2 antara M/A adalah larangan.
Don't compare achievements and projects between M/A
19. Dilarang share foto/ video yang diambil secara ilegal dan mengganggu privasi M/A.
Dont repost/share photos/videos taken illegally and disrupt m/a privacy.
20. Dilarang Berjualan dibase.
dont sell anything on base
21. Pada intinya dilarang menggunakan base untuk keperluan pribadi yang dapat merugikan banyak pihak.
It's basically dont to use bases for personal needs that could harm many parties.
⚠️ PENALTY :Bagi siapun yang tidak mematuhi rules, berikut tindakan yg akan kami lakukan :
For those who disobey the rules, Here's what we're gonna do.
1. Ditegur secara personal ke yg bersangkutan.
We shall scolds directly to parties who violate.
2. Diblok oleh base
Blocked by base.
3. Jika sudah keterlaluan akan di spill.
If it goes too far, it'll be spill at the base.
⭕️ Attention:Dikarenakan admin tidak 24/7 memantau base, maka kami mohon bantuannya kepada semua followers jika menemukan menfess yang melanggar Rules, harap segera di laporkan ke admin ya via DM 😊
Admin not 24/7 monitoring base, So we ask for his help to all followers if they find a confess that violates the rules., please immediately report to admin yes via dm ~


Admin tidak akan merespon permintaan spill sender dengan alasan apapun. kami akan bertindak sesuai pinalty yang tertera dirules.
Admin will not respond to the senders name request for any reason. We will be punishing him according to the penalty..